Use of Cookies

We use cookies as a means of collecting information from an internet server for the below reasons, at visiting of the site by a member. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer's hard drive. They help us to improve the website and provide better and more personalized services. Some of the cookies we use are necessary for the operation of the site. For those types of cookies that do not contribute to the operations on the website, we are required to obtain your consent. If you want to delete any cookies already stored on your computer or stop cookies that record your browsing habits on the webpage, you can do so by deleting your existing cookies and / or by changing your browser's privacy settings to block cookies (the procedure you follow will vary depending on the browser). Please note that by deleting our cookies or by deactivating our future cookies, you may not be able to access certain sites or services on the site.

To find out more, please read our Privacy Policy.

V1.0 18.07.2022